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MINI 2007 FULLY assembled and ready to race.

Legendary HULL MINI 2007 FULLY assembly and ready to race.
Наличие: Есть в наличии
€ 200 € 199
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Legendary HULL MINI 2007 FULLY assembly and ready to race. You only need to set your receiver. And in the battle!

Wish this hull it was won conceivable competition!

In the pool, the waves are formed in the race almost immediately (water reflection from the walls of the pool) - this boat is enormously stable! On this boat won Winter Cup Ukraine in class MINI ECO standard 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011.

Here is a video-in pool (green boat)


The length of the hull is 428 mm.
The hull is already adapted for the new Lithium Polymer batteries.
In the same hull, Nickel Metal Hydride batteries are also elegantly placed.
ALL boats are painted in matrices. Yes, and glossy automotive two-component paint firm Duxon ... Very impressive and durable.

To increase the strength of the hull, along the entire central part of the bottom of the hull, a strip of coal is pasted!
This has already become a necessary attribute, with the increased speeds and capacities of these minischarges!

The ECO MINI type 2007 boat, offered to you, is fully assembled and ready for the boat races. The so-called version of RTR (ready to run).

You just need to install your receiver.

And that's it!

Complete set of delivery:


1. LiPo battery pack with a capacity of 2200 mAh 25С
2. Installed three-phase electric motor Tenshock Viper 1515 - one of the best engines in this class.
3. The motor water cooling is installed on the electric motor.
4. An electronic travel controller is installed and connected -  ESC 30A with watercooling.
5. Installed and mounted the whole steering wheel system. Traction, rocking, etc. Installed steering servo (10 grams, 0.07 seconds) - the ideal solution for mini boats!
6. Mounted shaftline: motor - coupling - propeller shaft.
7. There is a perfectly balanced, ready-to-race stainless steel propeller.

You only need to connect your receiver.

Possible colors of the buildings are white, yellow, red, green. (when ordering, specify in * Options *)

You can also add your own propulsion boat, spare propeller, shaft, battery, steering wheel ... (when ordering - specify what you want in * Options *)


Legendary MINI boat type 2007 - at your service!

Производитель: Ecomaster
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